National Policy
United Australia Party National Policy
A maximum of 3% interest on home loans
Liberal and Labor’s trillion dollars of debt ($1,000,000,000,000 – a million million) will increase home loan rates to 4% in two years and to over 6% in three years.
At 4%, over 60% of Australians will default on their mortgages and will lose their homes. At 6% or more over 80% of Australians will lose their homes.
The real estate market will then collapse and foreign buyers will flood our real estate market as they will have the money to buy up our properties. We have to stop Australians from losing their homes!
The United Australia Party will introduce a maximum interest rate for all home loans of 3% per annum for the next five years to save Australian homeownership.
First $30,000 of a home loan to be tax deductible
We will make the first $30,000 paid on a home loan tax deductible each year.
The United Australia Party will boost the construction industry and increase home ownership security. We will make the first $30,000 paid on a home loan tax deductible each year and restore the Australian dream for each Australian to own their own home.
Repayment of National Debt
Both Liberal and Labor fail to address the trillion dollars of national debt, but not the United Australia Party.
We plan to address it head-on, save your family from its impact and end government’s over-reliance on taxation as a source of revenue.
Australia supplies over 80% of all iron ore to the Asian manufacturing market, where tens of trillions of dollars
are invested in manufacturing in China, Japan, Korea and the rest of Asia.
Asia achieves its position in world trade by using Australian iron ore. Asian economies and industry have
no alternative. In the 1960s, Australia had an export license on the export of iron ore. The United Australia Party will introduce a 15% export license on the export of all Australian iron ore.
The export license receipts will be isolated for the sole purpose of repaying our national debt which will relieve every Australian from that burden and set up our future.
We will do this so Australia can be all it can be without the financial destruction the Labor and Liberal parties have imposed on our country.
Bring Australian Super Home
Australia has over one trillion dollars of superannuation invested overseas.
Just like when John Curtin in World War 2 brought the troops back to save Australia, the United Australia Party will bring back a trillion dollars of Australian super back to Australia, to save Australia.
Process Australian minerals at home
We can create thousands of jobs and turbo-charge our exports by processing our mineral resources in Australia, leading to enormous revenue injections and better schools and hospitals.
Australia is failing to maximise revenue from its prized mineral resources by continuing to send unprocessed ores overseas. The United Australia Party’s downstream processing policy will see more stages of the mining process happen on Australian soil rather than offshore, resulting in much higher returns, along with stimulants for both economic growth and job creation.
We can use Australia’s mineral resources to kick-start our economy by setting up downstream processing in the states such as South Australia and Victoria that aren’t resource-rich.
End Australia’s Energy Crisis
Australia has the world’s largest deposits of uranium, however while we export uranium to other nations for them to take advantage of, we ban its use in Australia for electricity generation.
The government should be proactive in establishing research into new nuclear technology to help solve Australia’s energy problems.
China, Europe and the United States all benefit from nuclear power. Australia should benefit from our own resources and Australian industries should be benefitting from cheap power so they can compete internationally.
Buy Australian
The Australian Government needs to support Australian industries and ensure that all its policies are for the benefit of Australia first and foremost.
We must boost our encouragement to all Australians to buy Australian products and produce, with labelling and packaging regulations changed so Australians clearly know what products are Australian, helping them to make a choice to support Australian products.
Abolish HECS debts for students
A good education policy is not only good social policy, its good economic policy, and we believe students should begin their working lives unencumbered by huge HECS debts.
The United Australia Party will inject an extra $20 billion into the education system during our first three years in government. It’s time to invest in ourselves and the next generation. If we don’t have confidence in ourselves who will have confidence in us?
We must educate our children as our most valuable resource. We must make it possible for those with talent to go to university, but we must also ensure those who are educated can find a job after graduating from university.
That’s why our ability to compete internationally and to expand our exports is so important. Because of our policy to pay back the debt the United Australia Party will forgive and remove all HECS fees.
Change how Provisional Tax is paid
The United Australia Party will change how provisional tax is paid, relieving downward pressure on our small businesses and contractors.
We will stop the advance payment of provisional tax, which is currently taken before profits have been made. The United Australia Party will stop this unfair tax burden and allow it to be paid at the end of the financial year, releasing up to an extra $90 billion to circulate in our economy. This in turn delivers GST revenue for the government and jobs for Australians.
Tax relief on second jobs
We want to support all Australians who choose or need to have a second job. The United Australia Party will provide the incentive for people to earn more money for themselves, and provide government with increased revenue.
The United Australia Party will reduce the taxation rate on a person’s second job by up to 50%, resulting in higher weekly earnings and boosting the capacity for people to cope with increasing cost of living pressures.
Abolish Fringe Benefits Tax
We will abolish the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) and free up a long-standing blockage in the economy. Fringe Benefits Tax is a negative tax in that it stifles demand, hinders growth and kills employment.
We don’t want to penalise people for spending money. Spending money makes the world go round, creates wealth, jobs and makes the pie bigger for everyone. By abolishing FBT we believe business confidence, and opportunities for employees, will grow.
Zonal Taxation for regional communities
Our regional communities are the backbone of the nation and the United Australia Party is committed to stimulating economic growth in rural areas.
Our cities are bursting at the seams. We face a future of heavy congestion, serious housing affordability issues and mounting cost of living pressures.
By providing a 20% tax concession incentive to people living more than 200kms from a capital city (including all of Tasmania), we can decentralise Australia and encourage people to move to or settle in regional areas.
Zonal Taxation isn’t new – it existed under Liberal governments in the 1960s and is constitutional under Commonwealth laws.
Allow businesses to trade out of difficulty
The Australian government is the main petitioner of bankruptcy and company liquidations.
When a business closes, people lose their jobs. The government then loses group tax, company tax and, in many cases, exports and GST. As a result, services in education and health have to be cut to protect the revenue.
If the government stopped driving business to the wall this wouldn’t happen. We will restructure the system to keep businesses going and keep people employed productively.
End Lockdowns. Forever
Lockdowns destroy businesses, jobs and the Australian standard of living. Lockdowns cause untold damage to both physical and mental health, and lockdowns cause more harm to society than any marginal benefits they may bring.
The UAP policy is to open the economy, open the borders and provide encouragement, confidence and incentives for businesses, especially small business to thrive.
Free trade between the states and free movement of people must be reinstated. Section 92 of the Australian Constitution provides for the “absolutely free” movement of people across state borders. Australian troops must not be used to assist power-drunk State Premiers in violating our Constitution.
The Federal Government must ensure that the Constitutional rights of all Australians are protected by exercising their federal jurisdiction.
No Domestic Vaccine Passports
The latest international data and science evidences that so-called “fully vaccinated people” can still become infected and still likely to pass the virus on to others.
Therefore ‘vaccine passports’ are premised on a false assumption; they are misleading and serve no purpose other than to deny people their normal human rights.
They will be divisive for all Australians, cause social problems (as seen in Europe), and have the potential to worsen an already growing mental health epidemic in our country, which will have tragic consequences for many Australians.
It is undemocratic and wrong to deny any Australian their constitutional rights and freedoms because they choose not to take part in a vaccination program for personal or medical reasons.
The United Australia Party will fight to ensure vaccine passports are banned in Australia. Where they are introduced, we will challenge their validity in the High Court on behalf of the Australian people.
Respect the Sanctity of Doctor-Patient Relationship
The United Australia Party believes in the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and the privacy of your medical or health information.
Alternative treatments to COVID-19 (including anti-virals) that have shown extraordinary success where administered in many overseas countries, must be included in the treatment options and available for all Australians.
Medical treatments should not be mandated from on high by government chief health officers who have not seen or examined the patients for whom they are mandating particular or a narrow range of treatments.
Abolish National Cabinet
Since federation, the Australian Federal Government Cabinet has been comprised from Federal Members of Parliament, voted for and elected by the Australian people.
The current Morrison Government has imposed this unconstitutional so-called ‘National Cabinet’ that has no legal basis.
The United Australia Party believes this so-called ‘National Cabinet’ should be abolished as soon as possible, with traditional government and freedom restored to the Australian people.
Protecting Free Speech from Foreign Tech Giants
Foreign tech giants that operate as platforms (not publishers) such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter should not be able to censor Australian political debate.
The United Australia Party will seek to implement laws preventing this foreign interference in Australian politics and our elections.
Protect Australian values
The United Australia Party stands to protect the values that have been built and developed in this country since federation.
We believe in the most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom of association.
This includes respect for our Constitution and the rule of law, which underpins our democratic society and protects the rights, freedoms and liberties of every Australian citizen.
The United Australia Party believes lobbyists should be excluded from holding official positions in political parties.
Lobbyist firms often employ former ministers from both the major political parties and big business can get policy changes by paying money to such firms to represent their views.
This represents a serious conflict of interest and undermines the democracy that Australians have fought for. Lobbying mixed with political parties undermines Australians’ vote. A United Australia Party team will legislate to restrict the role of lobbyists in directing political parties.
Giving hospitals the funding they need
Healthcare is declining every year in Australia and we cannot desert the sick or the dying. Our hospital staff are overworked and the capital infrastructure is not up to the projected increased demand. Despite the extra one trillion dollars the government has borrowed nothing has been spent building new hospitals or investing in healthcare.
The United Australia Party’s sound economic policies will enable us to provide $40 billion additional funding for healthcare across Australia. We will make this funding available directly to hospitals, bypassing state governments.
Increase age pension by $180 a fortnight
Our senior citizens are paid less than others relying on government support. We must change this as a priority. As a first step, a United Australia Party government will increase the pension for retirees by an extra $180 a fortnight.
Strengthen Australia’s Defence
Australia’s defence budget must be used to defend the nation, and not used for political expediency or to achieve politically correct outcomes.
We called for the submarine contract with France to be abandoned months before the Federal Government decided to act. It is yet another United Australia Party policy that has been adopted at federal level.
Submarines should be coordinated with and purchased from the United States of America, where highly effective, cheaper nuclear-powered submarines can be acquired and integrated with the forces of our allies during times of conflict or war.
Australia must ensure our national submarine fleet is competitive with the nuclear submarines of our northern neighbours. Just one hostile nuclear‐powered submarine placed between Singapore and Perth would cut off Australia’s supplies of oil from Singapore and close down the nation within 60 days. We must take immediate steps to acquire nuclear submarines, such as the Los Angeles class subs from the US.
The security of our nation is of paramount importance. Our armed forces’ prime responsibility must be to protect Australia and to be a reliable ally.
Australian veterans’ gold cards
Our army, navy and air force personnel are valuable members of Australian society. We cannot take their service to the nation then disregard them as Labor and the Liberals have done for the last 20 years.
A United Australia Party government will link all service pensions to total average earnings. We will expand all gold card benefits to all peacekeepers and Gold card benefits will be automatically delivered to the spouses of all veterans for the term of their life.