
07 Sep 2018

Clive Palmer: Downstream processing is economic common sense

Media release

Clive Palmer: Downstream processing is economic common sense

UNITED Australia Party Federal Leader Clive Palmer says Australia is failing to maximise revenue from its prized mineral resources by continuing to send unprocessed ores overseas.

Mr Palmer said the United Australia Party’s downstream processing policy would see more stages of the mining process occur on Australian soil rather than offshore, resulting in much higher returns, along with stimulants for both economic growth and job creation. (more…)

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06 Sep 2018

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources donate $15,000 to local scout group

Media release

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources donate $15,000 to local scout group

The Woodlands Scout Group is the latest to benefit from Clive Palmer and QNI Resources, presented today with a $15,000 donation.

Group Leader, Alex Jenkins, said the donation would make a big difference for the Deeragun-based outfit, which is committed to forming strong bonds through teamwork and a common desire to ensure everyone becomes the best person they can be. (more…)

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06 Sep 2018

Self-interested politicians embarrass the nation

Media release

Self-interested politicians embarrass the nation

AUSTRALIAN politics is in crisis and an embarrassment to the nation following the petulant events leading to the dumping of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

With meme after meme and joke after joke raining down on federal politicians in the wake of the leadership spill, Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, says it’s no laughing matter for the nation. (more…)

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05 Sep 2018

Burston: It’s time to curb immigration and ease population pressure

Media release

Burston: It’s time to curb immigration and ease population pressure

UNITED Australia Party Senate Leader, Brian Burston, has declared immigration and Australian population numbers a key issue in the lead up to the next federal election.

With Australia’s population now north of 25 million people, infrastructure groaning under the strain and cities bursting at the seams, Senator Burston says it’s time to make some serious decisions on the nation’s forward population plan. (more…)

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05 Sep 2018

Jen Sackley: United Australia Party Townsville office a shopfront for new ideas

Media release

Jen Sackley: United Australia Party Townsville office a shopfront for new ideas

UNITED Australia Party secretary for North Queensland says the party’s new Townsville office is a shopfront for new ideas and greater representation for the people of the city.

Ms Sackley was joined by Federal Leader Clive Palmer and party Senate Leader Brian Burston at the official unveiling of the Denham Street office last week. (more…)

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29 Aug 2018

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources donate $15,000 to NQ Brolgas women’s football team

Media release

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources donate $15,000 to NQ Brolgas women’s football team

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources continue to help North Queensland residents chase their goals, donating $15,000 to Indigenous representative football team the NQ Brolgas. (more…)

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20 Aug 2018

Critical Vote Lost Because of Heartless Politicians

Media release

Critical Vote Lost Because of Heartless Politicians

The Leader of the Senate for the United Australia Party, Senator Brian Burston today said that it was disappointing that ALP, LNP and Pauline Hanson didn’t vote for urgent assistance for our Australian dairy farmers.

Senator Burston proposed that large grocery retailers apply a surcharge to milk to assist drought-affected dairy farmers. (more…)

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20 Aug 2018

Labor Has No Idea When It Comes To Farmers

Media release

Labor Has No Idea When It Comes To Farmers

The Federal Leader of the United Australia Party Mr Clive Palmer said this afternoon that Labor has no idea how to support farmers in desperate need.

Today the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk outlined $8 million in funding to support mental health and financial counselling services of drought stricken farmers. (more…)

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20 Aug 2018

United Australia Party Calls For Extension of Royal Commission to Include Liquidators and Administrators

Media release

United Australia Party Calls For Extension of Royal Commission to Include Liquidators and Administrators

Canberra: The Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Mr Clive Palmer, has called for the immunity provisions of liquidators and administrators in court to be removed.

Mr Palmer states that the law currently says they are officers of the court and are therefore protected by the courts. (more…)

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01 Aug 2018

Labor tried to block Palmer donations to Townsville children

Media release

Labor tried to block Palmer donations to Townsville children

The Labor Government in Brisbane was playing politics with Townsville children’s needs, Clive Palmer said today.

“I was approached by Declan Carnes the general manager of North Queensland Football who advised me that the State Government and the Townsville City Council had refused to provide further financial support for Townsville soccer,’’ Mr Palmer said. (more…)

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