
11 Sep 2022

Senator Babet reaffirms commitment to party and members

Media release

Senator Babet reaffirms commitment to party and members

Federal party leader of the United Australia Party, Senator Ralph Babet, today reaffirmed his strong commitment to the United Australia Party and all its members.

“The United Australia Party is looking forward to contesting the Victorian State election with a team of excellent candidates,’’ Senator Babet said

“While the party has elected not to remain part of the AEC fiasco between elections, it will re-register prior to the next federal election.

“Because I am a Senator, the party has a right to re-register at any time and in the meantime, we will not be directed by an unelected body of public servants under the control of Government.

“Our members believe in freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of association.

“As a senator I find it appalling the way the AEC acted during the last federal election.

“Our members across the country have reported serious voting irregularities and the United Australia Party will not be party to it,’’ Senator Babet said.

“While the existing political parties seek to undermine us and spread rumours about our members, we remain loyal to the principles of our party.

“This includes the freedom and rights of all Australians to express their views no matter what they may be and the need to put a brake on the power of Government that seeks to control its citizens not for their benefit but for the benefit of the few that the Labor and Liberal parties serve.

“I remain loyal to the party its founder and all that we stand for,’’ he said.


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01 Sep 2022

Labor copies United Australia Party’s super policy

Media release

Labor copies United Australia Party’s super policy

National Director of the United Australia Party, Craig Kelly, said today he was flattered that the ALP had copied his party’s policy to bring Australian super back home.

Prior to the 2022 Federal election the United Australia Party announced its policy platform which was designed to save Australians from the ever-growing cost of living crisis, sky rocketing interest rates and the disastrous economic situation we now find ourselves in.

“One of these core policies was bringing Australian super back home to grow the economy,’’ Mr Kelly said.

“This policy would have seen Australian super funds invest Australian super right here at home for nation building projects that would benefit all Australians.

“It would rescue and protect our economy from the sharp downturn experienced due to the rampant economic mismanagement seen from both the major parties. This policy was designed as a win/win for Australian Super and the Australian taxpayer,’’ Mr Kelly said.

“It was flattering to see that Treasurer Jim Chalmers wants to adopt our policy.

“The United Australia Party is happy to work with the Treasurer to explain the finer details of our policy for the benefit of the Australian people,’’ Mr Kelly said.

“It is clear from this political plagiarism that the United Australia Party has the best ideas for growing Australia.

“This is why were rewarded with the United Australia Party’s Ralph Babet gaining a place in the Senate, where he will work tirelessly for the best outcomes for all Australians,’’ Mr Kelly said.


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23 Aug 2022

Craig Kelly calls for Morrison’s resignation

Media release

Craig Kelly calls for Morrison’s resignation

The former Liberal member for Hughes and United Australia Party National Director Craig Kelly has called for the resignation of the former Liberal PM Scott Morrison.

“The fundamental function of a federal member of parliament is to be open and transparent and to uphold the values of the Westminster system,’’ Mr Kelly said

“Scott Morrison secretly swore himself in to five different federal ministries, deceiving the Australian people and his own cabinet,’’ he said.

“When I was in the party room as a Liberal Member of Parliament, we originally had open and frank discussions about the pandemic.

“That soon changed and we had a veil of secrecy creep into the party room. There is no doubt at all that this was apparent because of the big dollars from pharma companies lobbying the Liberal Party in both NSW and Federally and we saw pro big pharma policy being adopted.

“The truth is Covid is everywhere and has impacted society minimally. Vaccines are ineffective yet Morrison took over five portfolios,’’ Mr Kelly said.

“During lockdowns hundreds of Australians died from mental health issues, experienced financial stress while the divorce rate has skyrocketed.

“We are now seeing the huge economic impact of increased interest rates and inflation and debt growing rapidly towards $1.5 trillion.

“This is a result of the Liberal-Labor collusion which deprived Australians of their liberty.

“Scott Morrison, the member for Cook, should be ashamed of himself and resign in disgrace,’’ Mr Kelly said.


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23 Jul 2022

Nominate now for the Victorian State Election

Media release

Nominate now for the Victorian State Election

The United Australia Party has submitted an application to register the party in Victoria to contest this November’s state election.

The party will stand candidates in each of the eight (8) upper house regions and all members are now invited to nominate as a candidate if they wish.

If you wish to nominate and play your part working for a better deal for the Victoria by ending Daniel Andrews’ grip on the state, then please complete THIS FORM.

The closing date for nominations is 31 August 2022, but we will begin reviewing applications as soon as we receive them, so if you intend to nominate, please do so as soon as possible.


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14 Jul 2022

WA government accused of ‘abusing’ entry applications

Media release

WA government accused of ‘abusing’ entry applications

From Sky News Australia

A former WA electorate staffer, as part of her unfair dismissal claim, has alleged she was instructed by Deputy Premier Roger Cook to fast-track entry applications into Western Australia from Labor donors during the state’s border lockdown.

Sanja Spasojevic said she was not involved with the general processing of the G2G digital travel app but was assigned the task to “fast-track” Labor Business Roundtable members and donors.

“I was only given people that were Labor members from the Platinum, Gold and Silver, and we had what were called special contacts in ministerial office and we were given a task to go to the special contacts and it was either them personally or for their family members, for various reasons – some were personal, some were business,” she told Sky News host Chris Smith.

“I had contacted Roger Cook to tell him my concerns about a system that was allowing political donors of Labor to enter and exit. And yet, what was perceived to be maybe political opponents or people that were not desirable to enter the state or not refused entry into the state.

“And that’s when I thought this system is possibly being abused, it’s not fit for purpose.”

The West Australian State Opposition wants these allegations investigated by the WA Corruption and Crime Commission.

CLICK HERE to watch the video


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20 Jun 2022

Ralph Babet elected to Senate in Victoria

Media release

Ralph Babet elected to Senate in Victoria

United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer has congratulated Ralph Babet on his election victory in the Victorian Senate.

“The party is very pleased to announce that the United Australia Party will have representation in the upper house following Ralph Babet’s outstanding election win in Victoria,” Mr Palmer said.

“As a former business owner, Ralph understands at the grass-roots level what is required for economic prosperity in this country.

“He will take the fight to the mainstream parties to deliver a better economic future for all Australian families,” Mr Palmer said.

“As predicted by the United Australia Party prior to the election, increasing interest rates are putting Australians under growing levels of mortgage stress.

“The United Australia Party in the senate will always ensure that the major parties do not forget about the hardships faced by Australian families.

“As Paul Keating once said, Australia is in danger of becoming a banana republic. The United Australia Party is committed to holding Labor and the Liberals accountable for their actions and adding positively to the national debate for a better democracy for all,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Palmer said that the United Australia Party would be highlighting instances of electoral fraud by the AEC in the 2022 federal election.

“There are concerning elements regarding actions of the AEC which we will be bringing to light by presenting evidence,” Mr Palmer said.

The United Australia Party has also announced it would be fielding candidates in all seats at the upcoming Victorian state election.

“We will be running candidates in all Victorian seats to give the people an opportunity to elect representatives that care about the issues facing Victoria and all of Australia,” Mr Palmer said.

Former Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Craig Kelly, has been appointed national director of the party, it has also been announced.


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17 May 2022

China to control the health of Australians: Palmer

Media release

China to control the health of Australians: Palmer

Handing control of our nation’s health programs to the pro-China World Health Organisation (WHO) should raise alarm bells for all Australian citizens, says UAP Chair Clive Palmer.

“It is a shocking development to learn that the WHO will gain jurisdiction over controlling Australia’s health programs a day after the Federal Election.

“It is well known that China is a major contributor to and has a high degree of influence over the World Health Organisation. The WHO has been rightly criticised for pro-China bias in the past.

“It should be concerning to all Australians who value freedom and democracy that our health policies could fall under the influence of communist China.

“For too long we have seen governments take greater control over our lives, this is a step too far.

“The only way we can stop foreign governments controlling the level of health care that Australians receive is to vote for change on election day.

“Governments never give back freedom they take from their people. The people have to take it back,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“Only the United Australia Party is committed to saving Australians from the overreach of power and unwarranted control and suppression that both sides of government have shown us in the last few years.

“Freedom forever,’’ he said.


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04 May 2022

Home loan interest rates under threat

Home loan interest rates under threat

Media release

Shadow treasurer for the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, said today the 25-basis-point rise to 0.35% was a clear indicator that interest rates would continue to rise after the Federal Election.

“We are seeing interest rates in the United States and the UK rising steadily and the same thing is going to happen in Australia as a result of increasing inflation which is now over 5% per annum,” Mr Palmer said.

“Only the United Australia Party can save Australian homes. We have outlined our policy of capping all home loan interest rates at 3% for the next five years to protect home ownership and our way of life.

“This policy is the only way most Australians will remain in control of their home equity and wealth.

“If interest rates follow increasing inflation rates, how are Australians expected to survive?

“The Reserve Bank has indicated today that rates will continue to rise,’’ Mr Palmer said

“The United Australia Party is the last sentry at the gate. The coming election is our last chance to protect our right to wealth before it is wiped away.

“You can never trust the Liberals, Labor or The Greens again.  At this election, all Australians must vote for the United Australia Party to protect their homes and their families,’’ Mr Palmer said.


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22 Apr 2022

China makes land grab in Western Australia: Clive Palmer

Media release

China makes land grab in Western Australia: Clive Palmer

Following China’s security pact with the Solomon Islands, Chinese Government-owned companies were parties to a hearing in the Supreme Court of Western Australia designed to circumvent the Australia Foreign Investment Review Board, Mineralogy Chairman Clive Palmer said today.

Mr Palmer confirmed that Chinese Government companies were seeking control over hundreds of square kilometres of Western Australian land and had not sought approval from the FIRB as required by Australian law.

He said the Chinese Government was unlawfully seeking control of Australian land in the Pilbara region.

“By commencing actions in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the Chinese Government companies were creating tension between the court and the FIRB,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“This is a tactic to divide and conquer our nation used frequently by the Communist-Government quest internationally.

“This is a serious attack on Australian sovereignty and the loyalty of Australian citizens assisting the Chinese Government-owned companies is a concern,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“In essence, they are trying to gain control of the Port of Cape Preston without first seeking approval of the FIRB.  All Australians should be alarmed. I have serious concerns for Australia’s security.

“Mineralogy has not been able to gain access to its own tenements to inspect what the Chinese companies are actually doing at Cape Preston despite written agreements requiring such access.

“We received complaints from workers on site that there are secret activities going on. I believe the Minister of Defence must have the site inspected in the interests of the nation’s security,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“It is a matter of great concern that the Chinese Government companies are occupying a major Australian port and denying full access to Australian companies who own the right to the land where they are constructed,’’ Mr Palmer said.


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10 Apr 2022

United Australia Party NOT preferencing Greens

Media release

United Australia Party NOT preferencing Greens

United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer affirmed today the party would not be preferencing The Greens in the coming election, describing media reports to the contrary as fake news.

Mr Palmer said that at his National Press Club address this week he had responded to a loaded question from an ABC journalist with a tongue-in-cheek reply, noting that The Greens had never been in government so were not directly responsible for the nation’s debt.

“I made a tongue in cheek remark because I was responding to an ABC journalist that, like the ABC, I may preference the Greens before the others. The fact of the matter is the party executive has unanimously agreed that The Greens will be last,” Mr Palmer said.

Mr Palmer made it clear in the original exchange that Labor, the Liberals and The Greens would occupy the bottom three places of United Australia Party how-to-vote card.

“The comment has been taken wildly out of context and twisted by some media outlets. It is nothing more than fake news,” Mr Palmer said.

“The notion that United Australia Party would preference The Greens is as ludicrous as them giving preferences to us,” he said.

Mr Palmer has already affirmed that neither the Liberals, Labor, Nationals or the Greens would appear on the party’s Senate preference ticket.

“Each individual voter determines how they order their preferences. How-to-vote cards are simply a guide from each party – all the power rests with the voter,” Mr Palmer said.

“All United Australia Party members, supporters or undecided voters can rest assured that the United Australia Party will not be preferencing The Greens.”


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